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Title: Caution: Under Corruption

Size: 36 in x 48 in

Medium: Acrylic, paper, oil, oil pastels, art marker on gallery wrapped canvas


This piece was created to bring awareness to the disparities that we often face as minorities against a machine built in the favor of those w/ privilege, connections, and wealth. No matter how loud we scream and to whom we lean on for help, the truth of the “justice” system always prevails. If it was truly built "for" us we would not be repeating the painfully similar cries and protests of our ancestors today.


The buyer of this painting will receive a copy of the signed police reports (unredacted) that are the foundations of this piece and my personal experiences. This will be done to both challenge and reject the notion that justice is “ONLY” for sale for their benefit. I also stand by my words and will honor my own voice on my own terms as such. Idgaf who it offends just as you each didn’t gaf about your choices that have irreparably harmed my family and I.


I have been bribbed, coerced, gaslit, assaulted, stalked, and harrassed for speaking up, but you wil NOT SILENCE ME.


Due to graphic content buyers must be 21 years of age or older and must submit proof of identification prior to shipment.


Please allow 5 to 7 business days for processing. Alternative payment methods are available upon request.

Caution: Under Corruption 36 x 48

  • There are no refunds or exchanges on original artwork purchases.

    Canvas reprints may be returned if damaged upon delivery. Please document all damages and e-mail them to:

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